Sunday, July 13, 2008

Clustering on Oracle 10G AS

Recently I got an opportunity to test and evaluate Oracle 10G AS (10.1.3). I initially deployed Profunds CMS application on it and was trying to set up a cluster.

I installed the 10G AS on 2 nodes and used Multi casting for node discovery. OPMN (Oracle Process Management and Notification Server) was a piece of cake and was immediately able to discover each other.

Within hours Profunds CMS application started running on the cluster. I initially tried the fail over by shutting down one of the OC4J instance and viola I was transparently served from the other node.

But, though the fail over was transparent I lost my session during the process. I was wondering what could have been the reason. I enabled application level clustering using Peer, Multi casting and Persistence. But, none of them helped me. I was keeping on loosing the session though the fail over was happening. At last I founded that I left the tag in my web.xml and that made the trick. Profunds CMS was running clearly on the test cluster. My sessions started replicating without any problems.

My first experience on 10G AS was a great success.

I am now left with setting up a RAC Database and test out the FCF (Fast Connection Fail over). Once I do it I will post that experience.



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