Clustering on Oracle 10G AS
Recently I got an opportunity to test and evaluate Oracle 10G AS (10.1.3). I initially deployed Profunds CMS application on it and was trying to set up a cluster.
I installed the 10G AS on 2 nodes and used Multi casting for node discovery. OPMN (Oracle Process Management and Notification Server) was a piece of cake and was immediately able to discover each other.
Within hours Profunds CMS application started running on the cluster. I initially tried the fail over by shutting down one of the OC4J instance and viola I was transparently served from the other node.
But, though the fail over was transparent I lost my session during the process. I was wondering what could have been the reason. I enabled application level clustering using Peer, Multi casting and Persistence. But, none of them helped me. I was keeping on loosing the session though the fail over was happening. At last I founded that I left the
My first experience on 10G AS was a great success.
I am now left with setting up a RAC Database and test out the FCF (Fast Connection Fail over). Once I do it I will post that experience.
Labels: oracle 10g as
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