My Days at AIG Systems & Solutions
I was deputed to AIG Systems & Solutions,OTP, Chennai on Feb 07 2007 from Laser Soft. I was put up onto a project called AIGD (AIG Direct)-DRC (Decision Research Corporation). It is a product developed for Auto Insurance catering to North America. It was a system running on HP-UX and backed by Oracle. It took a week before system and access were provided to me.
My first work over there was to solve a heat (a live production issue). I was able to solve it with my skills in SQL and from that day onwards I grew with confidence and started to handle complex issues. By, solving I came to learn a lot about the DRC system. Though, it was a small system it had interfaces with many big systems such as ChoicePoint, TransUnion, POLK and like
ChoicePoint - Credit Score Verification
TransUnion - MVR (Motor Vehicle Report) & CLUE (Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange)
POLK - Vehicle Information System
MVR are reports about the insurer accident history
CLUE are reports about his past claims with his previous insurance companies.
I learned partially of these third party systems. All my colleagues at AIGSS were very supportive and helped me a lot. It was really a great experience at AIGSS. They even offered me a permanent position over there, but i declined because I was offered a new J2EE project back in Laser Soft. All together it was a great experience. My last day work at AIGSS was on 31 OCt 2007.
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